Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Quick Note About Guilt-Free Spending

Recently I was scrolling through Instagram when I came across a post by @thedesignerteacher with this photo. This text image was created with the idea of guilt-free teacher self-care in mind, which I fully support. I’ve only taught for two years, but in that short time I have definitely come to better understand the necessity of prioritizing taking care of me. I can't be my best for my students if I'm consistently depleted of my own energy. Learning about what self care looks like for me and allowing myself to actively practice it has been a process. But I'm working at it.

This image struck me because of its truth. My time outside of school is mine. To spend however I see fit. Maybe that means vegging out on the couch watching Netflix for the rest of the afternoon. Maybe that means getting caught up on grading. Or maybe it means going for a run. getting coffee with a friend, or catching the soccer game after school that your students asked you to come to. You get to define your down time and you get to evaluate what you need. This will ultimately change from day to day or situation to situation. It may mean finding balance between taking care of others and taking time for yourself, but that’s okay. There's no right or wrong way to spend my time beyond my classroom walls, and the same goes for you. As educators, we are hard enough on ourselves when it comes to so many other aspects of our jobs, but down time doesn’t belong on that list. Spend your time guilt-free. You deserve it!

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